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Summer Friendship Inventory

The first official day of Summer is June 20...

How do you plan on enjoying more connection in this new season?

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As seen in

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Wait, what's a friendship inventory?

IA friendship inventory is a process by which a woman creates a list of the "goods" in her friendship landscape. She then assesses the contents and uses her findings to determine next steps.

Friend Forward will be facilitating this 75-minute workshop on Monday, June 24 at 1pm EST (recording available).

What's the significance of a summer inventory?

Summer symbolizes brightness, action, and abundance. In order to enjoy all the connection that is available to us, we must first look at what we already have and what changes we can make to our "supply".

This is also a season where many people vacation, works slows down, and friends are motivated to spend more time on leisure. This might motivate women to reflect on the connections they currently have, determining which ones are "summer friendships" and which are long term (and how to cultivate more of each).

What should I expect?

Women will gather with friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson for a 75-minute live virtual workshop to assess their current friendship landscape and develop an actionable plan for enjoying more connection this summer. Attendees will build their plans together in real time with Danielle's guidance. For those who register but can't attend, the recording will be available for 72 hours.

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Women in the Street

This workshop is 
for you if…

You're curious about how to prioritize your existing friendships and social calendar, but don't really know where to start 

You are secretly craving feelings of connection, and you understand that doesn't necessarily happen by meeting tons of new people

You acknowledge that there are certain personal habits, beliefs, and patterns that you could improve to increase your friendship satisfaction, but... you don't know what they are

You’re done ruminating about how you can have fun this summer and you're ready to actually do something about it

You've never intentionally and technically assessed your friendship landscape before because you used to believe that everything should unfold "naturally", but now you see how you might benefit from doing an inventory

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Meet Danielle

"When I was a high school teacher, my students cried to me between classes about their friend issues. Then as a publicist, my high-achieving clients privately confessed their struggles to cultivate deep friendships in adulthood.

That’s when it hit me:

At every stage of womanhood, we’re trying to figure out how to navigate our platonic relationships with other women.

So I began to leverage my background as an educator to study what the latest research has to say about women’s cooperation, communication, and conflict. And now I share those insights to help you (and me!) create and maintain healthier friendships.

I have been hired by the NFL, NBA, TikTok, Etsy and Bumble to share the science of women's connection. Celebrities trust me with their most personal friendship issues and both schools and businesses have brought me onboard to consult about ways to friendship as a wellness imperative.

And I am so honored, every day, to be able to wake up and do such meaningful work."



This workshop is not for you if you are expecting a complete overhaul of your friendships.

Now, this Fall, Friend Forward is offering its final cohort for the Friendship Elevated group coaching program to extensively explore and improve women's five domains of friendship:

  • mindset

  • connection

  • momentum

  • conflict

  • renewal

Friendship Elevated is an intense, more long-term experience, and doors open in August. 

But the Summer Inventory is different.


The Inventory is specifically for women who want to examine their current friendship landscape to gain direction for how they can experience more connection with what they already have over the next two months.

it is a one-time meeting with a group of like-minded women guided by Danielle Bayard Jackson.


This workshop experience is $39. Aside from Danielle's podcast (free) and book (~$30), this is the most affordable offering she has available, as the intensive Friendship Elevated experience will be an investment of $1,999 (and will be her last time offering coaching services!).

If you've wanted to work with Danielle but are working within a limited budget, we strongly suggest you join us during this workshop.

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Follow along for research-based insights about women's

cooperation, communication, and conflict 

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