Friendship Coaching Membership
Friendship Elevated:
A 16-week program hosted teaching you how to master the mechanics of female friendship as a modern woman
A 16-week program for modern women who want to experience a real transformation in their female friendship landscape
*Doors are now closed.*
Next cohort launches Fall 2024.
It seems like all your friendships disappeared when you graduated/ got married/ had a baby/ changed cities/ went through a major life milestone.
You struggle to keep momentum after meeting someone you like, and things fade out.
You're an extrovert who has no problem making friends, but you realize that all of your friendships feel superficial (and you're ready for actual depth!)
Sometimes your introversion/ social anxiety gets the best of you when it comes to making new friends.
Whenever there's conflict or tension with a friend, you gradually withdraw until the friendship fades, but now you're ready to learn how to work through it.​
You get anxious about voicing your desires and boundaries, and it's left you feeling less than satisfied in your current female friendships.
You're still not over a friendship break-up, and you're surprised by how painful it's been.
It seems like everyone's found their "people" except for you.
On more than one occasion, you've taken an "I don't need friends" attitude only to realize... you actually need friends.​
You've been "ghosted" (and *ahem*, even ghosted yourself... ) and still don't know why.

Being able to drop the armor you carry in your friendships to experience greater satisfaction
Confidently expressing yourself when you meet someone new, leaving them eager to hang out with you again.
Knowing EXACTLY how to approach a hard conversation with a friend-- and becoming even closer to each other afterwards.​
Finally healing from a painful friendship break-up because you know exactly what to do to move on (without the anger, disappointment, and regret!)
Effortlessly turning acquaintances into actual friends, knowing exactly how to create real depth.
Laughing your butt off with a new friendship group (that you formed yourself!)
Being a part of female friendships that actually feel balanced and reciprocal.

You can finally have the types of female
friendships you've been longing for.
Here's what women are saying about how Friend Forward is changing their lives:

Virtual Group Coaching Program Sneak Peek
Danielle is a former educator who leverages her classroom experience to share the latest research around intrasex conflict and connection (female friendship). This program is designed to quite literally transform the way you view, approach, and navigate friendships in adulthood.
(You won't find a program like this anywhere else. We looked-- it doesn't exist!)

Hey, I'm Danielle, a friendship coach and educator, national speaker, podcast host, author, and go-to media expert.
Most of my experience is not just from my education background or interviews with leading researchers...
It's from years of getting it wrong as a bad friend.. and then finally understanding how to get it right.
EMBARRASSING MOMENT: On the first day of high school, I was so nervous to make friends that I ate my lunch in a bathroom stall. But by senior year, I was surrounded by tons of girlfriends and leading as senior class president.
Ironically, I became a high school teacher and became an unofficial coach to juniors and seniors needing friendship advice.
Then I left the classroom for the world of public relations, and realized that even charismatic, high-achieving women were struggling in their platonic relationships.
After realizing that every stage of womanhood involves navigating relationships with other women, I knew I had to do something.
When it comes to friendships, I've had my own issues.
I've been too harsh. Too sensitive. Too "in my head". I've been too exclusive with my friend group and avoided welcoming others that I knew desired community from our circle. I've ghosted other women because I didn't want to (or know how to) communicate my needs and concerns.
Then I realized how important strong female friendships are and flipped the script. I began investing in people, diving deep into uncomfortable conversations, and doing the inner work required to attract healthy friendships.
Now I spend hours each week talking to some of the most prolific researchers in the fields of evolutionary psychology, sociolinguistics, intrapersonal conflict, and communication.​
I take a formal approach in coaching and teaching others how to do the same, which means you're not alone. We're not taught how to be friends. It's something we learn along the way, and it's not easy (that might even be why you're here).
That's why I created Friend Forward (and the new Friendship Elevated Program)-- to hand you the right tools to navigate female friendships so you can finally experience genuine and satisfying relationships.
The membership is low-cost, simple, and it gives you instant access to a program that will work only if you do.
All that's left is for you to click the button below.
The technical stuff:
Danielle is a certified women's coach specializing in women's friendship. She leveraged her 10+ years in the education field to channel her research, training, and experience into a 1-week curriculum that guides women on their journey toward cultivating fulfilling friendships.
Who is Danielle?
former high school teacher
former academic department chair
certified women's coach
national keynote speaker
friendship expert featured in NBC News, Psychology Today, SHAPE Magazine, Wall Street Journal The Tampa Tribune, and some of Apple's most popular podcasts
[Full bio]

Step 1
Make the investment.

Step 4
Take the assessment.
After a virtual welcome party, you'll take an assessment that will guide your experience, customizing it to your unique relational needs.

Step 2
Onboard with Danielle.
Receive your email confirmation and schedule a personal welcome call with Danielle.

Step 5
Watch the videos.
Danielle's instructional video modules drop every week for 12 weeks, ready to watch on your schedule.

Step 3
Get your materials.
We'll send you a book and your "assigned reading" to help you prepare for the experience.

Step 6
Attend the sessions.
We meet as a group every other week (virtually) to share wins, ask questions, and receive support. (We even have a group chat!)