As seen in
Improve your friendship in 21 days. (Yeah, really.)
No, it's not a magic wand.
But this boot camp is filled with research-based tasks for you to complete daily that are uniquely designed to help you feel more satisfied in 21 days.
Friend Forward has launched this challenge at the beginning of each new year for the past three years, but now it's available to you on demand.
If you are looking for a manageable way to tangibly yet practically experience more connection in your friendships, this might be just what you need.
What should I expect?
This experience is delivered through a private podcast. Each mini episode is between 5-8 minutes and includes:
a new focus area
reference to a research study that demonstrates the importance of this particular focus area
a daily challenge for you to apply that particular relational health topic

This experience is
for you if…
You know that you need to take action to improve your friendship landscape... but you don't exactly know what to do first
You acknowledge that there are personal area you need to improve that would likely allow you to connect more deeply with your friends... but you don't exactly know what they are
You appreciate your friends but haven't been showing it in tangible ways, which make them experience you as distant and/ or low-effort​
You recently became more intentional about friendship, and while your heart is in it, you're not sure what to action to take
This challenge is specifically about enjoying bite-sized ways to be intentional about your friendships for 21 days. Many women reported noticeable changes in their platonic relationships... and withing themselves.
For those looking for a more in-depth experience, Friend Forward is offering its final cohort for the Friendship Elevated group coaching program in Fall 2024 to extensively explore and improve women's five domains of friendship:
Friendship Elevated is an intense, more long-term experience (16-weeks), and doors open in August 2024. ​